Are you using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast? I’m not. I’m still using All In One SEO. However, there are several marketers I greatly respect, including SEO experts Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde, who have been highly recommending the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.
If you want to learn more about WordPress SEO and the powerful WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast, click here and register for the free webinar that Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde are holding with Yoast creator Joost de Valk. This webinar will take place on Tuesday, February 28th at 2:00pm EST.
According to Dan and Leslie, WordPress does a lot of things well. However, there are some important things missing in the functionality of WordPress. This is where Joost de Valk comes in. On this webinar Joost is going to provide the missing pieces that will make you more proficient with WordPress SEO.
The reason I will be attending this webinar is simply because I am seriously thinking of switching to the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast — and I want to learn more about it from the creator himself, Joost de Valk. Also, I have attended Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde webinars in the past and they are always educational from both a general business perspective and a SEO perspective. They are smart marketers and they are excellent teachers, especially when the subject has anything to do with SEO.
Now . . . I have absolutely no idea if Dan, Leslie and/or Joost will be promoting a product at the end of this webinar. I will not be surprised if they do make an offer. After all, they are marketers. However, if you are like me and you want to take your knowledge of WordPress SEO to another level and beyond — register here learn from one of the top WordPress SEO experts on the planet, Joost de Valk.
If you don’t have time to attend the webinar or if you believe that there is a chance you may miss it, be sure to subscribe to Web Business Research (the opt-in box is just below this post). After the webinar has been completed I will doing a post at Web Business Research that details what Joost de Valk, Dan Thies and Leslie Rohde reveal on the subject of WordPress SEO. I’m quite sure this will be very educational.
All the best,
Jon Poland
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